01 Jul I AM Nurturing My Soul
Summer is here. A time to en-JOY the beautiful weather...
Summer is here. A time to en-JOY the beautiful weather...
How would our lives change if we took time each day…. to notice and comment upon the beauty of nature that we witness?… If we spoke to our friends and family of good memories and our goals for the future… if we took the time...
The month of May brings me so much joy as I witness everything starting to bloom again. The trees will soon be lush with beautiful green leaves. Flowers of all colors, shapes, aromas and beauty are starting to bud. We are all like flowers… blooming...
April is here and my heart feels glad that the plants, flowers and trees are about to bloom. Everything has its season – the only thing that is constant is CHANGE so I am reminded again to “be in the flow” and “in the moment”...
March 20th is Spring Equinox. With the change of weather comes the promise of new beginnings, of taking action, of planting seeds for future gains. We are changing and evolving, the only thing that is constant ~ IS change. Nothing remains the same forever. Change and New Adventures always starts...
True love, the love vibration begins with the love that we have for ourselves. Are you nurturing your physical, emotional and spiritual needs? When we love ourselves and accept ourselves with all our imperfections ~ then we can truly love another ~ whether it...
Happy New Year to all my angel friends, soul sisters and brothers, clients and students. I wish you all a year filled with much love, joy, peace, self-discovery, new adventures, abundance, success, ease and grace in all you do. Expect miracles this year - it is...
The holidays are here and what better time to remember basic values and simple pleasures. It is a time where gathering around the table with others is a blessing more valuable than unwrapping a new present. And while there is nothing wrong with giving things...
Look around you. What do you see? Do you see turmoil or do you see love? Do you see anger or do you see joy? Are you adding to the turmoil or are you remembering the greatness that you are and beaming light and love? ...
"Gratitude is the doorway to increased blessings" It may be a confusing and challenging time in the world...