01 Feb I AM Leaping into Loveable ME
So the month of February, your heartwork is to nurture and pamper yourself. You are Number ONE. Take the time to do things that you love to do. In your quiet time, put your hands on your heart and say loving affirmations to yourself. When you are with people, smile ~ laugh ~ hug. Surround yourself with beauty ~ the beauty of nature is everywhere. Surround yourself with happy, positive people. Play with your pets. Play with your children. Declare to the world – “I am happy to be alive and I love myself and my life exactly as it is”. “I am grateful for all my blessings”. The more you can stay in this high vibration of love and gratefulness – the more you will start seeing the changes in your life that you desire.
It is NOT selfish to nurture ourselves first. If our vessel is not filled, we are no good for anyone else. So what are we doing this month to love ourSELF… nurture ourSELF? It is okay to prioritize yourself… to set boundaries… to be true to yourself… to say NO to others if you need time for yourself.
Express Gratitude ~ Find 3 things every morning or before you go to bed that you feel grateful for. You can write in a journal every day or just think about it. When we put our energy on what we are grateful for, more blessings will definitely come our way.
Slow Down When you feel like everything is going too fast or you feel upset, take a moment to slow down with your own thoughts and feelings. Doing so even when you feel “too busy” will actually make you more productive! You can put on your headphones and listen to a short guided meditation or music… Or just close your eyes and take a 10-minute time out for yourself to relax.
Celebrate YOU – Celebrate and focus on your accomplishments regularly no matter how big or small. Go out and buy yourself some flowers – you deserve it.
Pet a Dog or Cuddle with a Loved One ~ Giving and receiving affection can be therapeutic in its own way. Snuggling your pet or loved one releases the natural “love hormone” we all have called Oxytocin. This “love hormone” promotes stress reduction, lowers heart rates and blood pressure, and helps us to feel content. A nice massage also offers the same benefits.
Get Outside … MOVE ~ As soon as you step outside you feel better! Being out in nature boosts your energy and immune system, restores focus, and improves your overall well being.
Focus on your Breathing ~ If you notice yourself feeling stressed out or upset, take a moment to notice your breathing. Quicker breaths can result in faster heart rate which is what leads to feelings of anxiousness. If your breathing feels shallow, allow yourself to close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths and allow the exhale to be longer than your inhale each time. This can help your brain and body reset and relax.
Bath Before Bedtime ~ Making up a nice warm bath before bed with calming essential oils such as Lavender and/or Epsom salt can help relax your muscles and put you into a peaceful state of mind. You can even light a candle. This can ultimately help you have a good night’s sleep and allow you to wake up feeling refreshed.
Surround yourself with Positive People ~ Exercise, getting enough rest and a balanced diet are obvious choices for a healthy lifestyle. Social connection is just as important for your well being, so surround yourself with positive people and have fun ! Dance… Laugh… Play… Connect to your Inner Child.
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