01 May I AM Emerging
Today, nothing restricts you… Nothing limits you. Let your spirit soar and feel the joy and lightness of being that comes with trust,
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
There is a longing deep inside to emerge as an improved version of yourself, like a butterfly from the cocoon, all shiny, new and free. This is a longing which you can fulfill. It is within your power to emerge from this cocoon of old habits, self-defeating actions, and patterns which seem to have ensnarled and encased you. It is well within your power. You have the power to be what you dream of being, because you are that person already.
1. My life is in perfect balance when I listen to my heart ❤
The key to success in your life is balance. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, take a deep breath in and return inward to your heart. In order to create successful solutions, you need to align with what brings you joy in the moment. When you make choices from a deliberate place of love, you are more calm and peaceful and your life is in balance.
My life is in perfect balance because I take care of myself and follow my heart. I honor my needs. I allow myself to be recognized and I embrace the power of the pause.
2. I let go of what I cannot change 🦋 Practice letting go when things don’t go your way. Let go of the outcome and proceed without expectations.
I release my control of things I cannot accept. Instead of trying to force things to go a certain way, I trust the universe is working on my behalf. I have goals and deep desires, but they will be manifested in their own right time and place. I always get what I need, when I need it. I surrender.
3. Out of difficulties grow new beginnings 🌻 You have everything you need to move into the next phase of your life. You are being guided and you are safe and protected.
I step forward with confidence and trust my new beginning is appropriate for my big picture. My life is important and I allow myself to be fully in the process. It is safe to release all troubling situations. I trust the process.
4. The universe has a plan greater than mine. ✨
Have faith in your inner wisdom and trust the timing of your dreams. You may feel conflicted or unsure of your path, but today is the time to turn inward and trust the nudges coming to you.
I don’t always get what I want, but I know I will always get what I truly need. I may feel stuck and at a standstill at times. But when I turn inward, I know all is in order. I know I am being guided.
5. Anything I give my attention to will flourish and grow 🌱🌳
Pay attention to where you focus your thoughts. What you see is a result of where you have been putting your emotional energy. If there is an area of your life you are dissatisfied with, look back to your recent and current thoughts about that situation. Turn your focus to what you want, and watch it flourish and grow.
I am responsible for all I experience. I always align with my loving light and focus on what I want with joy and ease. I release all worry and spend my time creating my joy-filled reality. When I focus on what I want, it flourishes and comes to me.
6. I am calm in the chaos.
Trusting the universe is a large part of releasing the reins on your life. Hand over your worries and concerns to the universe and you will be guided to love. When you align with your own heart center, nothing will affect your true balance.
What once bothered me no longer affects me, for I am peace and harmony. I can be calm in the chaos because I am a beacon of love and light.
7. What I do today has the potential to improve all my tomorrows 🌞
The only thing that matters is your attention in this moment. Focus on the outcome and achieving what you desire. What you do today is important. It will determine your tomorrow
Starting now, I focus forward. I align my energy with love and support. I let go of my past, for today is the only day that matters. What I do today has the potential to improve all my tomorrows.
❤ ´¨¨*)) -:¦:-❤*-:¦:- *((¸¸.´ ❤
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