This time of year always brings with it, the opportunity for re~evaluation. The year 2023 is nearly three quarters of the way complete, can you believe that? Ask yourself what is it that you really want in life….
What needs to change…transmute…..transform? Spend time with yourself this month nurturing your soul, taking long walks in the beautiful nature and delving deep into all that you are – you may be pleasantly surprised at what you discover.
I challenge each and every one of us this month to be our authentic selves… to speak our truth… to shine our light… to spread loving-kindness to each other… to be thankful for all the blessings in our life… to be joy-ful in the moment… and go with the flow trusting that we are where we are supposed to be and that new opportunities, new possibilities and miracles are coming our way ! As the season changes and the leaves begin to fall, re-member that there is only one constant – and that is change. Nothing remains the same. So hold on to your seats and be ready for the ride into new possibilities !
The only thing that is constant is CHANGE… so fasten your seatbelts and get ready.
We are living in a time of great change. Many thinkers and seers agree that humanity and the planet Earth are evolving at a quickened pace, and that this evolution will necessarily be severe and seemingly chaotic at times. It is natural for people to react with fear, because these changes will bring some level of difficulty and loss to many of us. However, it is essential that we all remember that our souls chose to be here at this time and to be part of this process. Every movement in the universe is a movement toward love. This is true even in situations that appear on the surface to be the opposite of loving.
Since we chose to be here, we are capable and ready to rise to the challenges in which we find ourselves. It is helpful to reflect on our own lives and make any changes necessary to fully support humanity and the planet into the state of love. When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans, our planet, and the universe. As we find ways we can serve, our fear dissipates. We may serve by remaining calm and loving with our families, friends and strangers. Regardless of what actions we choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love. This is all that is needed.
When it is difficult to remain in love, we may always call upon our unseen helpers: our spiritual guides, angels and ascended masters who are always with us. All we need to do is ask and then trust that we are being helped. The guidance we receive is love itself, showing us the way.
- I have the power to create the life I desire
- I am stronger, wiser and more confident with each new day.
- I am the captain of my ship. I choose how my days and life unfold.
- I stand up for myself by saying how I truly feel with kindness.
- I am strong, courageous and worthy of all good things.
- I now step out of my comfort zone to become the person I believe I can be.
- I radiate confidence in all I do!
- I intend to live this day to the fullest and practice gratitude
- I am grateful for my life, the people in it and all that is possible for me.
- I am overflowing with joy, love and gratitude.
- I am ready to make positive change.
- New and exciting opportunities are ahead of me – I am creating my destiny.
- The universe supports my success.
- I celebrate all that is right in the world.
- I deserve love, trust and peace in my life.
- I am at peace with others and myself. I let go of fear and embrace love and joy.
- I release old habits that are limiting my potential.
- I embrace fear and self-doubt, not letting anything stop me from what I want.
- I am co-creating my destiny with my inner wisdom and the universe.
- I use my talents and skills to fulfill my purpose in life.
- I am following my bliss to inspire others.
❤ ´¨¨*)) -:¦:-❤*-:¦:- *((¸¸.´ ❤
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