I AM REcreating Myself

I AM REcreating Myself

April promises to be an exciting month. We are in a time of great change and transformation.  Everyone and everything is going through a great shift of perception, attitude and knocks over the head that remind us that “now is the time” to get out of the old thinking and let go of what does not work for us.  This requires courage to look at our lives with deep reflection and to take that first step in the unknown to be-come what we have come here to BE…  To  RE-Create ourselves…  A re-birth of our true self – our unique self.

I myself was hit with the flu at the Spring Equinox that forced me to slow down and do nothing for over a week.  Yup, if we do not slow down and take time for ourselves, the Universe will find a way to “help” you do that 🙂

The festival marked by Easter is about Life.
Following the dark, apparently lifeless days of Winter where many animals retreat to hibernation, many trees lose their leaves and flowers “die back” or lose their colours, Easter represents the beginning of the new cycle of Eternal Life, represented symbolically by the proliferation of eggs and “bunnies” in all their forms and colours.
Whatever Easter means to you and everyone around the World, it is ultimately, first and foremost a celebration of Life, and for that we should certainly be Joyful.

I wish you a Happy and Joyful Easter with your family and friends.

REBIRTH – When the old you is leaving and the new you is awakening because you have started
to remember who you truly are.
There is only powerful and positive CHANGE waiting to be experienced TRANSFORMING
mind, body and soul to reach higher levels of consciousness and love.
The death of yesterday is a birth of TODAY. 




 Reminders to SELF… It’s all about SIMPLICITY and LIVING IN THE MOMENT

  • Take some quiet time just for YOU
  • Do what YOU love
  • Spend time in nature
  • Set boundaries
  • Learn to say NO if you have too much on your plate
  • Take a break from technology.  Turn off the cell phone and texts
  • Be kind to yourself …
  • Take time out of each day to focus on being your best YOU. …
  • Stop comparing yourself to other people …
  • Spend time with people who love you for YOU.
  • Play… dance… sing… embrace your inner child… do what YOU love to do
  • Eat some chocolate Easter eggs !



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From my heart to yours ❤ ~ Many blessings ~ Karen
Excerpt from my APRIL 2023 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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