August energy is a bit fiery… with the Lions Gate happening on 8-8… the solar flares… shumann resonance… accelerated Ascension symptoms… and Sturgeon Full Moon. Phew !! It is setting the stage for much change and transformation in our lives… and with that will come much clarity and deeper understanding for our life path. Are you ready to delve deep and release what no longer serves you? This is the time of “courage” to face our fears and doubts so our light may shine through even brighter.
For me… it is always about the journey… and everyday I am growing from all my challenges, obstacles and some disapointments… but I see and appreciate the joy and blessings in my life so much quicker. This may be due to turning the big 7-0 at the end of July. I have let go alot of my stories of who I was supposed to be… and all my expectations… and now just enJOYing every moment being ME. Accepting mySELF exactly as I am… no more striving for “things” out there but just living in the moment and trusting that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Of course I am still the CREATOR of my life and I will not stop creating and dreaming BIG.
So onwards and upwards.
Wishing you all a magical and amazing month BEing who you are.
“Don’t wish to be like everyone else. Wish to be yourself. Be YOUnique. Find out what you’re best at, and develop it. Work on your weaknesses. Wish to be great at whatever you do.”
Here are some affirmations to say everyday:
- I am ready for whatever today brings.
- I am not a worrier… I am a warrior
- I am bold and daring.
- Today, I take action. I believe I can do anything.
- I radiate great courage.
- I am ready for bold adventures.
- I possess the strength to deal with whatever comes my way.
- I am filled with endless possibilities.
- I am a person of great inner strength.
- I am unstoppable and fearless
- I let go of all negative beliefs about myself and celebrate who I am
- In spite of my fear, I always move in the direction of my dreams.
- I believe in myself and my abilities.
- I breathe out all fears, and breathe in pure joy and optimism.
- I am open to believing in my own self-worth and accepting unconditional love.
- I believe setbacks are valuable opportunities to learn and grow.
- I know I can face every challenge with ease, there is nothing I cannot overcome
- I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease
- I release negative self-talk and do not need validations from others
- Today I am prepared. I am prepared for success, love, happiness, peace, joy, and abundance!
- I am prepared for my wildest dreams to come true.
❤ ´¨¨*)) -:¦:-❤*-:¦:- *((¸¸.´ ❤
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