Let us begin each morning and end each day BE-ing THANK-ful for all the blessings in our life. Be grateful for each person who is in your life. Be grateful for each opportunity you have to grow and learn. Be grateful for just being alive. Fill yourself with gratitude for everything in your life and most of all, love yourself for being you exactly as you are.
When we can appreciate the simplest gifts even in times of confusion and hardships, then we move forward. A soul that appreciates the gifts of living will reap rewards from being grateful and appreciative. Prayers are heard and answered. Be aware and respectful of all gifts offered to us. The wise soul can look at all situations as a way for personal growth and advancement. You will find that there is always an infinite supply of love and energy. Thank God for your unique being, beauty and potential.
Imagine a world of unlimited possibilities of magical proportions… of great abundance… of great plenty… of great creativity… and ideas that just blossom forth through you. See yourselves as magical creatures, magical Beings of Light, Joy and Happiness. These energies will assimilate within you and find balance and you will take this with you in your daily existence and you will find that you HAVE created magic.
Wishing you a magical and abundant October and plenty to be grate-ful for.
Love – peace – joy – beauty – simplicity – good times with friends and family
and lots of laughter and smiles.
2. I agree to consciously set an intention for manifesting something miraculous in my life… every day and in every way.
3. I agree to tap into Gratitude on a daily basis and as much as possible in every waking moment. I know that the rewards of doing so flow through and extend beyond me, strengthening the collective field of Gratitude from which we may all derive benefit.
4. I agree to be a consistently uplifting inspiration in all my interactions. I commit to see and mirror back the greatness of each soul who crosses my path. I choose to discover and nurture the light within so that it may shine forth to others and magnify their life.
5. I agree to honor each individual’s right to choose their own belief system and life path.
6. I agree to be open to both give and receive within my local and global community. In all my dealings, I seek win-win, mutually edifying interactions and transactions.
7. I agree to be my word in my exchanges with others. I realize that my personal influence is magnified to the degree I am able to keep my word with myself and others. If something comes up and I decide to change what I had agreed upon, then I agree to make that communication as soon as possible to the affected party.
8. I agree to love and enjoy my life as much as possible!
9. And, last but certainly not least, I agree to be Grateful for ME!
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