Summer is here.  A time to en-JOY the beautiful weather, to relax, to spend quality time with family and friends in the great outdoors, to nurture yourself and to BE IN THE FLOW.  There is a sense of well-being and serenity that comes with the warm sun, the beauty and scents of all the colourful flowers,  the gentle breeze, chirping birds and laughing children.

Living in The Flow is such a wonderful state to live in. When in The Flow you truly know that the Universe conspires to support you. Living in The flow is a beautiful, yet powerful state of being where life moves effortlessly through you. What does it mean to be in the flow? When in the flow you know the answers to life’s challenges with little effort or figuring it out. When flowing, you tap into your creative juices as the words, music or art naturally flows out of you. You may be highly productive, tapped in and turned on with little to no effort. But, perhaps most importantly, when in the flow, you experience well-being or even bliss of which happiness is a natural by-product.

The spiritual practice for all of July is “heart” related.
We are moved to new depths of tenderness, stillness, self-affection,
waves of bliss, unconditional love for yourself & others
and self-acceptance.   Live each day to its fullest and know
that the good you feel will expand all that you love and touch.
May you dance with infinite possibilites and have a
JOY-filled and magical July.




This month, your assignment is very simple.  You are to learn to feel JOY.  You are to teach yourself that you are capable of filling yourself with joy no matter what is happening in your life.  You are to learn that joy is something you create inside, not something which is imposed from outside by circumstances and other people.  This month, learn that you are truly the creator of your life, and learn it by creating joy in every moment.

“And at the end of the month, after you have practiced and experienced this, realize the freedom you have just given yourself.  Now, there is no reason to chase after another person, thinking that you must have them with you in order to be happy.  You can be happy within yourself, full of peace and joy, whether they are with you or not.  And you will be free from chasing after money, thinking that it is the path to joy.  It is not.  All of the money in the world cannot bring you what you can give yourself simply by opening yourself to the flow of joy.  And you can be free of the concern about age, worried that you can are no longer attractive, worried that it is too late to achieve whatever you wished to achieve.  For you will understand that the only thing worth achieving is ultimately the joy, peace and happiness that you give yourself, and this is available to you at any age, at any time.  It is within you always, and you need only learn to open yourself to it.

“Practice this little mini joy session throughout your day.  Let circumstances that used to trigger an anxiety episode now trigger a joy episode.  Let your response to all negative circumstances be to open yourself to peace, love and joy.”



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From my heart to yours ❤ ~ Many blessings ~ Karen
Excerpt from my JULY 2023 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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