Also, remember Mother Earth (Gaia) who everyday lovingly nurtures us with the richness of the land. She gives us everything to sustain us – so it is up to us to take care of her and to be thankful for having the opportunity to be part of this very special Plan.
Whether you are a Mother to small children, grown adults, maybe a grandmother, an aunt or a PET MOM… remember to take time out for YOU and nurture yourself.
Maybe going for a long walk in nature and hugging a tree… or just sitting by yourself in a Cafe having a coffee. Maybe it’s gardening… Or reading a book that you have been wanting to read… What about going to a SPA and just nurturing yourself all day? Whatever you want to do, take those few hours of peace and quiet and make it happen.
Trying new things keeps us young and makes us feel alive. It also helps us to break out of the rut of daily activities.
Thinking about it? Well just do it. An art class… a yoga class, dancing with friends… a cooking class…
Always wanted to learn photography? What about Workshops that nurture your soul or a healing modality that you can use on yourself, your family and friends or add to your already existing Holistic Practice – www.karenmosuk.com/workshops
You deserve to be pampered. So buy yourself a gift. Flowers… a dress… new shoes… a new book… invest in yourself by going to a weekend retreat, or taking that Em-POWER-ing Workshop… just for YOU !
Self-love enables us to take for granted that we’re essentially lovable and worthwhile … in and of ourselves and regardless of whatever roles, titles, successes we may (or may not) enjoy. High self-love leads us to trust our feelings and intuition automatically… Because it reinforces our sense of personal rights, it helps us say no, set limits, stick up for ourselves, and keep ourselves safe both physically and emotionally.
Self-love lends us much more than the power to care for ourselves as individuals in every way that we can conceive; it empowers us to thrive and It leads us to our true soul’s purpose in life
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