We are now in the beginning of the season change of WINTER with freshly fallen, glistening snow on the ground and trees… and life is ever-changing. At this time, I am being reminded again that it is time to go within, nurture myself, and just surrender. In this “surrender”, I am trusting that all the seeds I have planted throughout the year will manifest in its divine timing. So with faith, trust and love, I am able to let go of all my “expectations” of how things should be – or how things should turn out.
Take a slow and even breath and imagine yourself filled with positive thoughts of change. In your mind’s eye, feel yourself courageous, strong, and unafraid of change.
Imagine yourself easily breaking from old ways and patterns that do not serve you well. Trust that you will be carried wherever you need to go… and that you are exactly where you are supposed to be on your path right now. .
As we near the Christmas holidays, remember to live in the moment, breathe, nurture yourSELF, be kind to yourself and others, smile and laugh as much as possible and do not take life so seriously – en-JOY the ride !!!
Let us also welcome in the New Year 2025 with a masterly optimism.
May it be filled with lots of playfulness and laughter, love and peace, kindness and gentleness, new adventures and new beginnings, a new way of appreciating everyone and everything in your life. Dream BIG for the upcoming year. You are the creator of your life ! May the angels always guide you and light your path.
The holidays are here and what better time to remember basic values and simple pleasures. DECEMBER is a month for giving and receiving, rejoicing, hope, belief, unity, community, nurturing all that we are and be-ing thankful for all that we have in our lives. It is a time where gathering around the table with others is a blessing more valuable than unwrapping a new present. And while there is nothing wrong with giving things to one another, what is of greater value is to share your hearts. Share your words of inspiration and kindness. Share compliments and positive words. Share your laughter and radiant smile. Share the things you would like your loved ones to know. Share how you see their spirits shining brightly no matter what they see inside of themselves. These are the gifts beyond price – the ones that last way beyond the season and live in the hearts of the receiver forever. Simple ask yourself, “How can I give of my heart, my kindness, my words, my talents, my spirit?” It is your love, your kindness, your spirit, your gifts and your talents that are most appreciated in this world… and these are the gifts that have eternal value.
So this year by all means, share your presents ~ but also share your Presence with one another. En-JOY the holidays with friends and family. Breathe, laugh, play, share and CELEBRATE all that you have accomplished this year and ANTICIPATE all the blessings and miracles that are yet to manifest in your life.
Shine your Beautiful Heartlight wherever you go this Holiday Season !
is in some way, to make that person’s life a little bit better to live.”
💚 ´¨¨✨)) -❄️-🎄-❄️- *((✨¸¸.´ 💚
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