It has been a difficult few weeks… not only for me… but for so many who I talk to. It is a time of many shifts, clearing out the old that no longer serves us… being quiet and going withIN… surrendering and trusting that all will work out.
My whole foundation has been turned upside down since the August 9th Flood. My basement has been demolished and waiting for renovations. I am living in chaos… so many losses… not only material things. BUT I am living through it with faith and patience… knowing that I will come out of this with a new perspective so I can continue with the next chapter of my life.
OCTOBER 14th is Thanksgiving… a day to be grateful for all our blessings. So I will shift my thinking from what I have lost… and be grateful for all that I have and all that I have become… anticipating new doors opening… new opportunities and maybe some miracles.
When we can appreciate the simplest gifts even in times of confusion and hardships, then we move forward. A soul that appreciates the gifts of living will reap rewards from being grateful and appreciative. The wise soul can look at all situations as a way for personal growth and advancement.
Let us imagine a world of unlimited possibilities of magical proportions… of great abundance… of great plenty… of great creativity… and ideas that just blossom forth through us. May we see ourselves as magical creatures, magical Beings of Light, Joy and Happiness. These energies will assimilate within us and find balance… and we will take this with us in our daily existence and we may find that we HAVE created magic. So it is.
Wishing you a magical and abundant October with plenty to be grate-ful for.
Love – peace – joy – beauty – simplicity – good times with friends and family
and lots of laughter and smiles.
- Your blessings, those things you are grateful for in your life right now
- A day in the life you dream of creating, how it feels from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you close them at night
- Your spiritual practices, with a morning routine that includes focus on the above as well as your normal meditation or other spiritual rituals.
As you talk of your blessings and dreams, you will be cleared of any energies not dedicated to your blossoming love. And so, this is your challenge, your assignment. Awaken in gratitude. Before you even get out of bed, just lie there for a moment breathing deeply and filling yourself with gratitude for everything in your life.. And most of all, for just being you, exactly as you are. Embrace your own presence and self as you are, right now. Love yourself for being you exactly as you are. Feel how nice it is to be lying in bed, all warm and cozy, for having this physical body which enables you to have this adventure. Be grateful for feeling, even for the pain which you sometimes feel, for it is a part of life as well. Be grateful for being alive and having that heart of yours beat with love and longing. And then, as you move through your day, show your gratitude. Take the time to tell friends and family that you care. Look for opportunities to thank people, to compliment them, to acknowledge that they are in your life and contributing to it. Be nice to the people who help serve you, in the grocery store, the dry cleaners. Everyone who crosses your path should be blessed with your love and gratitude. Feel your connection to them. Be conscious of what else you might do to demonstrate your gratitude to those around you.Also spend a little time in nature, in a park or even just gazing out the window. Notice the beauty of the world. Notice the birds, the clouds, the beauty of a simple leaf or flower. Notice the benevolent beauty of nature and say thank you in your heart. Do this consciously throughout the week and then notice how wonderful and peaceful it makes you feel. When you find yourself again dwelling in a world of worry or confusion, remind yourself to breathe, slow down and fill yourself with thanksgiving.
gratitude that opens the heart and makes me and my life ready for
even more blessings.
I take stock of all the facets of my life, and notice that even where I am feeling challenged, there is a blessing to be thankful for.
And gratitude keeps me open to receive the guidance, the support,
the strength, and the wisdom that I need to walk confidently
through every day of my life.
For this, I am indeed in a state of perpetual gratitude.

❤ ´¨¨*)) -:¦:-❤*-:¦:- *((¸¸.´ ❤
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