These programs are designed to create an environment of joy-filled energetic expansion and personal transformation. These IET Steps to Transformation programs will help you heal your trauma without having to relive the drama or pain. In these workshops, the Master-Instructor teaching the class will share their angelic energy connection with you, and teach you to establish your own energetic connection with the energy of the Healing Angels.  You will learn to use ancient sacred geometry, there will be guided imagery and meditations and will be combined with special techniques that Stevan J. Thayer channeled from Angel Ariel, to “get the issues out of your tissues for good!”  In addition to experiencing these Steps to Transformation, you will learn hand mudras that will let you instantly re-activate them anytime. For the optimal transformational experience, we suggest the steps be taken in sequence.



Step 1: Introduction to Transformation and the Divine Plan AND Heartlink® with your Angels…..Learn how to connect to your Angels and find out who the Angels are of the Healing Energy Field used in IET. Learn what a Heartlink is and how this powerful energy and tool can be used to send healing remotely and directly to yourself in your body, energy centers, field and others.


Step 2: Activating Your 12 Strand DNA.…….This class will use the power of the IET energy ray to activate your 12-Strand Spiritual DNA and bring you into alignment with the very mission of your soul as well as you will be guided through a visualization in which you create a mental image of you perfect life, physical body, lifestyle, livelihood, romance, prosperity and perfect world.


Step 3: Clearing your Karma with the Energy of Angels……..Do you ever find yourself in the same situations and limiting life habit patterns? These repeat situations are the result of Karma. This class and meditation will lead you through powerful IET Karma Clearing process to clean up your Karma easily and gracefully with the Energy of Angels. This is great for addictions, limiting beliefs, patterns, self sabotage, fears and phobias.


Step 4: The IET Forgiveness Process…….This class and meditation will bring forward three people from the past, present, and you that you can choose to forgive. It is one of the most powerful classes we teach as this powerful IET process truly helps you to forgive and forget The key to living peace in the present moment.


Step 5 : Empowered heart /Essential Action Process.…..The Empowered Heart is the result of the energetic union of the heart and power centers. When we live our lives with the empowered heart energy we automatically express our true essence into the world in service to others. Angel Ariel describes this true essence as being like a core seed that is within each of us. The angels call this expression of our true essence our “essential action”. This class and meditation will help us live from an empowered heart.


Step 6: Future life Progression.…You have heard about past life regressions in which you take a guided journey back into one of your past lifetimes to heal a karmic issue. In this class and meditation, we journey forward with the help of our angels and soul council to a future lifetime in which we were successful in mastering all our lessons and living our true life’s purpose. We then bring the energy of that future lifetime back into this lifetime to help us accelerate our spiritual growth.


Step 7: The IET Freedom Process……Ever felt drained when around certain people or situations? This class and meditation will lead you through an IET process of cutting the cords of codependency that prevent you from living your life’s essential action. By cutting cords with past and present relationships, you are able to retrieve some of the power that you have given away and return that which you have energetically taken also. This class is amazing and assists so much in the healing process!


  • Next workshop begins JANUARY 14th, 2025 – for 7 Tuesdays.  
  • 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ~ Each class will consist of theory, meditations and a powerful IET activation technique.
  • Cost:  $380.00 for Steps 1-7 or 8-14 includes Workbook
  • You will receive a Certificate of Completion after Steps 1 – 7  (14 hours)


Karen’s Personal Testimonial

I completed all 14 steps throughout the last 15 years with different teachers and in various IET retreats.

I have facilitated these classes for the last 3 years.  They began in my basement with wonderful groups who supported each other and had the added healing support from Oliver and Carly.🐾  

In March 2020 when the Covid lockdown began, I had no idea how I was going to continue teaching these Steps, but ZOOM was available.  I was new to this and not quite sure how it would work.  It was a bit bumpy at first, but now I can honestly say (as well as feedback from participants) that ZOOM works very well.  Everyone feels the energy and support of each other and the activations are just as powerful on Zoom as they are in person.  The energy begins as soon as I send the confirmation to everyone and they start their heartwork (journal writing).

For myself, each time I facilitate these steps, I go DEEPER into my being as I am still releasing, shedding and letting go of the old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve me.  This is quite an amazing journey and I look forward to sharing it with you 🙏.  

I am an IET Master-Instructor since 2003 and was invited and became an IET Master TRAINER in October 2019.



Step 8: WAG Phase 2 ~ Grid Healing  …..A beautiful and profoundly deep Process as you learn and practice how to clear resistance to love and imprint empowerment in yourself and people world-wide for the benefit of all living beings. Learn how to extend this gift to all past incarnations of your self and your ancestral lineage.

Step 9: WAG Phase 3 ~ Pure Joy…..  Are you ready to live pure JOY, Your natural state of being? Want to play with the Cherubs and feel their effervescent energy? Learn and practice adding a layer of Pure Joy to the World Angel Grid with the help of the Cherubs, and can be used again as many times as you like.

Step 10: WAG Phase 3 ~ Compassion….Lift into your empowered heart and offer compassion to yourself and others. Learn The New Angel Wash Process, Experience Angel Ariel’s HeartSeed Process, Let Compassion Bloom Brilliantly In Your Life, and Travel Inter-Dimensionally into the Dimension of Love.

Step 11: Homecoming….. You will meet your personal angel guide who will help you to discover your special healing and empowerment Heartlight colors, who will then work with you to create a safe and powerful inner sanctuary. You will then move energetically deep within this sanctuary to powerfully experience the energy that unifies all life, which will move you beyond your ego’s idea of self, to discover your true spiritual self.

Step 12 : Unity in Action…..Angel Ariel bringing in the 2012 Unity Shift, which moves you to the crystalline vibration. From there you will journey to the highest angelic realms where, working with the support of your personal angel guide, you will create your own personal crystal key which you will use to unlock your heart’s code and become Unity in Action.

Step 13: The IET® Ascension Process… The most blissful of all the processes. You will follow along during the creation of a new energy center within your body called a “Heart Star”. Using vortex energy and sacred geometry, you will merge your Earth Star with your Soul Star to align your life with the energy of the Unity Wave and create the optimal energetic vibration for you to experience Ascension.

Step 14: The IET® Being Love ~Living Love Process... Build your very own personal angelic energy grid which will be woven into your human energy field by the angels.  Enter into a deep state of being where you can experience pure unconditional love.
Establish a unity heartlink connection with those who also embrace their essence, connecting all of these in your heartstar and together entering into a state of pure unconditional love. Bring unconditional love into every aspect of your daily life.

** Pre-Requisite is completion of Steps 1-7

Next Sequence begins JANUARY 6th, 2025  ~ 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  Every MONDAY for 7 weeks

  • You will receive a Certificate of Competion for  the Higher Steps to Transformation Steps 8 – 14. (14 hours)
  • Each class will be 1-1/2 to 2 hours that will consist of theory, meditations and a powerful IET activation technique.
  • Cost:  $380.00 includes Workbook
  • PLEASE NOTE:  As per the Center of Being, price is increased to $380.00 for 2025



The five Lightarian AngelLinks are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a high vibrational team of angelic beings.  This team consists of a Seraph (named Rose Aura) and four Archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). The AngelLinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development. Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic patterns which they embody.

Seraph Rose Aura’s AngelLink for unconditional love… From the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim, a Seraph by the name of Rose Aura has stepped forward to spread the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity. Via her AngelLink connection with you, an “angelic flame of unconditional love” will be placed into your heart.

Archangel Michael’s AngelLink   Through this AngelLink connection, Archangel Michael will work “in your etheric background” to provide ongoing support for you in creating non-judgment in all areas of your life. He will also focus on assisting you in successfully navigating within the etheric realms via telepathy, channeling, conscious etheric travel, etc. 

Archangel Uriel’s AngelLink
Archangel Uriel has stepped forward to provide us with an infusion of angelic beauty that will allow you to experience the “feminine side of beauty” through a heightened sense of appreciation and the masculine side of beauty through the stimulation of your talents for creative expression. Through this AngelLink connection, Uriel can help stimulate your creativity and inspiration for artistic expression in its many forms.

Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink
Archangel Raphael has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of angelic courage and divine healing. He will assist you in moving more courageously through life and will help to light your way into the future. Also, with Raphael’s assistance via this AngelLink, you will be able to more effectively avoid the challenges and hurdles of life…and also more clearly see the opportunities and spiritual rewards that lay ahead. Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink will also provide support for you in your healing process. He is known as the “divine healer” and will help you discover the “divine healer” within yourself.

Archangel Gabriel’s AngelLink
Archangel Gabriel’s focus is on joy and communications! Through this AngelLink, he teaches us to take time to recognize and experience the existing joys that abound for us and to manifest new and exciting levels of joy in our day-to-day lives. Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So, he is especially able to help you with inner communications for accessing your “personal knowing and intuition”, as well as to provide practical support for effective communications in your outer, day-to-day life.

  • These 5 attunements must be done in sequence – every Monday from 8:00 to 9:15 pm ET ~ one week apart for integration
  • These attunements are for SELF-HEALING.
  • Given on ZOOM
  • Energy exchange per attunement $40.00
  • Early Bird Special:  $125.00


Pre-requisite is completion of the AngelLink attunements. 

The six Lightarian Purification Rings™ are designed to create extraordinary connections for you from the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim. These seraphic groups will assist with facilitating the expansion and purification of recipients to advance their spiritual development. 

Seraphim Y gifts us with the Seraphic Blue Flame of Wholeness. This begins the process of reformatting our genetic encodings (not the personal kind from our ancestors, but how the body functions as a human). This also shifts our personal perspective with understanding the “All That Is”;

Seraphim C gifts us with the crystal skull to aid us in integrating and stimulating our ability to incorporate sensory input more completely through the reformatting of the frontal lobe, enabling us to receive more fully our Earth plane existence and our advancement into this new paradigm. Additionally, Star Arinae, with Seraphim C, helps us to reformat our genetic makeup and brain processes;

Seraphim V aids us in operating with the coolness of the blue flame in order to operate in a state of Joy, Laughter, Thoughtfulness and Lightness by removing the cloak of fear. We begin to stand fully within our Truth;

Seraphim Z facilitates the full integration of life experiences including the release of deeply stored grief (unresolved grief creates fissures in our energetic body);

Representatives from all the Seraphim groups work with us to effectively invoke intentions (through the blue flame from the Seraphim) as anchored in a state of pure bliss

Seraphim K introduces the Merlin energy of magic as we learn to understand humanity’s relationship with the Earth plane and connect energetically to the Earth plane more effectively, lovingly, and purely.

  • These 6 attunements must be done in sequence – one week apart for integration
  • Given on ZOOM
  • New sequence starts ~ 8:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. ET
  • Energy exchange per attunement $40.00  ($240.00)
  • Early Bird Special:  $150.00 if paid in full by


Pre-requisite is completion of Lightarian Rays, AngelLinks and Purity Rings

As the Earth goes through her many energetic shifts and changes at this time, many of us feel an urgency to stimulate and enhance our own personal process. With the groundwork set through completion of the Lightarian Buddhic Track and the Lightarian Angel Track programs, an individual has allowed more of his or her spirit into the physical body. This Ascension/Desension process has removed polarities and opened up the way to recognizing and working among various dimensional realities of the Earth plane. The Lightarian Gateway program provides training for navigating such dimensional planes, working with the Crystal Skull, Blue Flame of Wholeness, and gem grid, and interacting with several Master ET and Seraphim groups.


Level 1 – Crystalline Gateway: awakening to a greater sense of who you are and Awakening to a greater sense of your purpose here at this time. As simple as is it may appear, the development of awareness, clarity, and understanding about these two fundamental aspects of life are at the heart of the spiritual awakening process, and they are enhanced and accelerated as you receive the Crystalline Gateway.

Level 2 – Ruby Gateway: inspired by the Arcturians. It focuses on infusing the physical body with the ability to draw forth, transform, and materialize what is on the Earth plane by enhancing your brain development and its connection with the Unified Heart Chakra. The Arcturians will expand the abilities of the Crystal Skull by focusing on the somatosensory cortex of the brain, which processes sensory input from various systems in the body that are sensitive to touch. As your brain syncs up with the body, you will be able to develop your abilities to rely less on interpreting the physical, sensory input and more on energetic wavelengths and differing vibrations within the body and in the Earth plane.

Level 3 – Blue Apatite Gateway: inspired by the Sirians. It focuses on fine-tuning your personal vibration and infusing the physical body with the ability to collaborate and connect to the whole. The Sirians have stepped forward to build upon the work from Seraphim K by providing information and assistance with the harmonization and connectivity of the cells in the body. From Seraphim K in Purification Rings Level Six, you received golden notes within your throat chakra to aid with your harmonization with the Earth plane. The Blue Apatite Gateway attunement will strengthen, expand, and build upon this gift. 

Level 4 – White Sapphire Gateway: the Pleiadians have stepped forward to provide us with energetic support as we work with the white sapphire. The density of the white sapphire is particularly important, as it works well with the Crystal Skull and the crown chakra. It will connect with the gems you received in the levels 1-3 of the Gateway program. The sequence of energy will run from the white sapphire to the Crystal Skull to the diamond to the blue apatite to the rubies, allowing for knowledge downloads. These downloads will include information for our cells on how to act, allowing us to work with the multidimensions. 

Level 5 – Citrine Quartz Gateway: attunement inspired by the energies of angelic beings from the 7th and 8th dimensions. Although they have no actual name, we have been given permission to call them the group Aurora. They will focus on fine-tuning your personal vibration and infusing the physical body with the ability to differentiate and move among the dimensional realities.

Level 6 – Gem Grid Gateway: the group Aurora and the Seraphim have stepped forward to provide us with energetic support as we work to activate the Lightarian Gem Grid. In this level you will have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded beings across the globe and throughout the dimensions without having to be in the same space. 

  • These 6 attunements must be done in sequence – one month apart for integration
  • Given on ZOOM
  • Energy exchange per attunement $60.00 ($360.00) 
  • Early Bird Special:  $188.00 if paid in full by
  • New Sequence starts


Pre-requisite – you must have completed Reiki Level l,ll, A.R.T. and Reiki Master  (For Reiki Masters only)

Lightarian Reiki offers a powerful, high vibration Reiki healing energy.    It uniquely prepares you to deliver a broader spectrum of healing energies by extending the vibrational range of Reiki beyond Usui-based and Karuna® Reiki modalities.

Inspired by Ascended Master Buddha, Lightarian Reiki has been brought forth now to accelerate the healing process for humanity…focusing on expanding your abilities as a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher to channel healing energies of a higher vibrational nature for the benefit of others.

Through your enhanced and expanded attunement connection with Ascended Master Buddha, you will also personally benefit in your own healing process…by raising your personal vibration as you step through the four levels of the Lightarian Reiki program.

The Vibrational Bands of Reiki
From Ascended Master Buddha, we have learned that there are a total of eight vibrational bands for the Reiki energy spectrum, with Lightarian Reiki occupying the six highest bands…

 First Band…    Usui-based Reiki   These vibrational frequencies create the foundation for all Reiki energy work. After one is attuned to the Usui levels and works with those energies for awhile, an individual may feel compelled to move beyond this introductory stage….to accelerate his/her pace of spiritual growth and the raising of personal vibration.

 Second Band…   Karuna Reiki®   As the individual feels motivated to continue to expand within Reiki, one can enter the second band of the spectrum occupied by Karuna Reiki and the Lightarian Buddhic Boost (details below).

 Third to Eighth Bands…   Lightarian™ Reiki   Beyond the second band, there are six additional higher bands of Reiki energy, called Lightarian Reiki, which offer the most powerful healing energies available from Master Buddha. 

The Buddhic Boost

The Buddhic Boost is delivered to Usui Based Reiki Masters who have not had Karuna Based Reiki training.  It is the Second band and is a simple attunement designed to vibrationally prepare you with this level of experience for receiving the other levels.

Lightarian Reiki Level I & ll:  Your initial Lightarian attunement with Ascended Master Buddha is delivered at this level. This first attunement prepares you vibrationally to receive the attunements in the three higher levels.

Lightarian Reiki Levels lll – A special connection is made with the Gaia energies

Lightarian Reiki  lV – A connection is made  with the Godhead

Lightarian Reiki V & Vl – A connection is made with Ascended Master Sananda

All the above energies then come together to form the “Divine Healing Chamber” a visualization tool with truly powerful, far reaching healing effects.


  • – As you receive your Lightarian Reiki attunements, progressively deeper levels of personal healing will be stimulated and the vibration levels of your chakras and subtle bodies will be raised.
  • – Your mastery and capability for delivering Reiki healing energies of a higher and finer frequency to your clients will be dramatically expanded.
  • – Your latent spiritual “gifts & talents” may start to manifest and your “sense of self” may expand based on the energetic transformations launched by the Lightarian Reiki attunements.
  • – The heart space is opened and an activation of one or more chakras and subtle bodies takes place with each attunement. An activation could be considered the “switching on of an etheric circuit” enabling you to receive and be a conduit for a particular vibrational density band.


  • These 5 attunements must be done in sequence – one month apart for integration
  • Given on ZOOM
  • Energy exchange per attunement $60.00 ($300.00) 
  • Early Bird Special:  $188.00 if paid in Full by
  • Next Sequence begins TBA


What they say