As the trees are turning beautiful colors… leaves are falling on the ground, and we have witnessed the first sprinkling of snow… let’s be reminded that life is ever-changing. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, so it is the Universe’s loving scheme to test us from time to time so we can heal deeper, become more LIGHT and contemplate our next steps…… the snake continues to shed its many skins.
November is a good month to dive deep within to heal what no longer serves you, to nurture yourSELF and just SURRENDER. In this “surrender”, trust that all the seeds YOU have planted throughout the year will manifest in its divine timing. So with faith, trust and love, let go of all “expectations” of how things should be – or how things should turn out. BELIEVE that you live in a world of possibility, a world of LOVE, filled with creativity, health, beauty and abundance. Believe that you are important, special, unique and worthy of all your hearts desires. With surrender, faith and trust, KNOW that in the midst of change, everything is possible.
We cannot create a life of love, joy and peace without looking at the deep dark shadow place. How you create your reality is not some miracle. It is really quite simple. The nature of your beingness is that you are composed of electromagnetic energy. All that you are whirls and twirls at a certain frequency. When you are in a place of joy, when you are in a place of laughter, when you are in a place of focusing without any negative judgment on what you are doing in your day-to-day existence, the vibration of your frequency allows desires to flow to you. You become like a grand tuning fork that sings with positive energy. Remember you only have now. The place of transformation is NOW. The place of change is now. Focus on the thoughts, ideas, and words that you want or need… and bring it to you.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!
So as we prepare for the cold winter months… be good to yourself.
Live simply ~ Nurture yourself ~ Laugh often ~ Love deeply…
and together we will continue to welcome in a New Golden Age.
1. Become aware of your beliefs and how they influence your perceptions. Think about the saying: “Seeing is believing.” Perhaps it is equally valid to say: “Believing is seeing.”
2. Become aware of your emotions. If they are anything other than enthusiasm and joy, what are you resisting?
3. Be willing to re-examine your past and memories you may have suppressed. Areas of unconsciousness represent areas you are unaware of, but that doesn’t mean they don’t influence you.
4. Be willing to walk away from situations that rob you of your personal power.
5. Be willing to let go of control over others. Trying to control others is usually as sign of fear and resistance. We cannot be self-empowered when we are trying to control others.
6. Be willing to feel your feelings without resistance. Embrace all emotions with enthusiasm. When you are angry, for example, really feel the anger. When you are in pain, be willing to fully experience the pain. Remember, it is the judgment of our feelings that causes the resistances that inhibit our personal power.
7. Connect with all the aspects of yourself. Get to know your inner child, your logical adult and your spiritual or higher self. Work on integrating the three into a harmonious unit.
8. Examine those areas in your life where you are not yet self-empowered and see what choices you have made that you may be willing to change.
starting November 14th, 2023.
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