01 Jan I AM Ready to Create Some Big Magic ✨
Be certain to take time in the next couple of weeks to journal your personal goals and visions for the New Year. Open yourself to the voice of Higher Self and Soul while allowing universal energies to move through you and you will be able to anchor the next level of Living that is ready to take place in full orchestration on Earth. Spend your time and energy wisely because only YOU are the creator of your life. It is time to become that which you yearn to be in your inner heart. Become the picture in your mind as you embrace the higher ideal of purpose.
Every day of the coming new year… listen with your heart and then move into that place of thought, intention and deed. Follow your Light as it connects with a person, place, or thing. Follow your Light as it directs you like a beacon into your heavenly bliss. Ask to live higher and wiser and from a place of love, then stand back and watch miracles and blessings bestow upon you..
The entire universe needs you. Whatever you yearn for, become it. Whatever you wish for, let it be your experience. Stop wishing for anything, just live it.
I trust that the words on these pages plant beautiful seeds within you and that you all grow into the beautiful shining stars that YOU ARE. May you always be your authentic self, trusting in magic, following your heart, dreaming BIG, and having fun. Remember, there are no mistakes in life, only lessons. Each day is a brand new day for you to CREATE exactly what you want.
Wishing you a new year that opens and expands you into more options and possibilities.
Wishing you all a wonderful and magical Happy New Year 2023 … and may the Angels always guide you and light your path.
1. Decide what you want to have, be and do this year. Be specific. The more specific in your intention or goal the easier it is to realize it. Make a commitment to your desire. Don’t be wishy-washy. If you are not sure of what you are wanting, then you send mixed messages and this blocks or slows the process of our goals from manifesting.
2. Write it down. Write down your goals or desires in your journal or you may want to place them in a sacred place such as a designated box or drawer. Write your intention, goal, desire with detail. By writing your desires down you make a commitment to them.
3. Affirm. Create an affirmation in the present tense. Write what it is you are wanting and use a present tense verb. State your affirmation as a desire all ready manifested. What you are doing is suggesting to your subconscious mind that this is all ready a reality. You are now in control. The secret to affirmations is to say and/or write them at least 15 minutes daily for 30 days to get into the new habit of using affirmations. It is a proven fact that we are habitual people and to undo or start a new habit/routine it takes 30 days.
Make the commitment to shift your thought patterns by giving yourself a month to retrain your mind to think good thoughts instead of the negative tape recorder. You know, the negative voice in your mind that runs over and over…. By repeating your affirmation you reprogram your subconscious mind. Whatever you suggest to your subconscious mind it believes is real. This is the power of suggestion at it’s best.
4. Visualize. See yourself doing, having and being what you have been affirming as all ready a reality. Visualize yourself doing exactly what you want, having exactly what you want and being the person you want to be. Your subconscious mind will believe you and do all it can to make your thoughts real.
5. Create a Prayer. Ask for Spirit to support you in your goals, desires, and intentions. Invite your angels, the archangels, ascended masters and the Divine Universe to help you.
Remember, our thoughts create. In the energy of 2023, control your life by consciously focusing on what you desire. A great way to help you refocus your thoughts is through appreciation or gratitude. If you are around someone who is negative or something gets you down, consciously look for something to feel grateful for such as the beautiful day, the sun, a smile from a stranger, or other blessings. This will help you stop yourself from a negative spiral and shift into one of joy. When we are in joy we will attract our good.
So, in the coming year, be conscious of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. For what we wish for ourselves we wish for others. Let it be blessings of abundance, well-being, love and joy.
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