I AM Blooming

I AM Blooming

I trust that this month of August finds you en-JOYing the beautiful weather and that you are nurturing your body, mind and soul with all the de-lights that this summer month brings.  Take time just for “YOU” and pamper yourSELF.  Remember to laugh, sing, dance, play and BE your creative, authentic, em-powered self.  There are infinite possibilities awaiting you.

August is a powerful month for personal and planetary transformation, abundance and celebration.  The Lion’s Gate portal opens every year on August 8th when the sun is in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and the Earth all line up.  This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting.    So use the energies of this powerful month to go within and decide that it is time now to transform the old energies in your life that are not working for you anymore and to live your life in joy, peace and abundance.

May the words in this Newsletter plants beautiful seeds within you… and may you all BLOOM into the beautiful shining stars that YOU ARE.  Each day is a brand new day for you to CREATE exactly what you want.  May the angels always guide you and light your path.


                  Your life is a magical journey.  You are here to transform your dreams and passions into reality.  As your experience grows, so does your soul.
Infinite possibilities awaits you.  Embrace this chance to soar.
Believe in your own unique light.


Art by Josephine Wall



On August 8th, we welcome in the opening of the Stargate.  These past few months have been INTENSE as we’ve witnessed some radical planetary retrogrades, we are also seeing our world shakeup. We are calling in change. Calling for the new earth. Ready to experience more love in this reality. But first, we must be grounded and we must want this for ourselves.

This is the opportunity to be courageous as you set your intentions and open your heart. Be willing to receive the love that is coming in. As you allow yourself to anchor in this energy, you are able to give it out to the world.

During this time, be gentle with yourself. This is the time for radical healing as we are transmuting fear, doubt, pain, anxiety, shame, judgment, guilt, and anger. Find yourself speaking and living your truth as you reacquaint with your ROAR, your light, your passions, and the Love of which you are.





💜 ~ Dreams can come true if you take the time to think about what you want in life.
💜 ~ Get to know yourself ~ find out who you are
💜 ~ Always believe in yourself
💜 ~ Find many interests and pursue them
💜 ~ Reflect upon what your heart most longs for.
💜 ~ If we put out positive thoughts, we receive positive results
💜 ~ Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
💜 ~ When things are not going right ~ don’t give up ~ just try harder
💜 ~ Give yourself freedom to try out new things
💜 ~ Laugh and have a good time
💜 ~ Open yourself up to love
💜 ~ Take part in the beauty of nature
💜 ~ Be grateful for all that you have
💜 ~ Work towards peace in the world


To accomplish great things,
We must not only ACT ~ but also DREAM
Not only PLAN ~ but also BELIEVE
~ Anatole France



From my heart to yours ❤ ~ Many blessings ~ Karen
Excerpt from my AUGUST 2022 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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