I AM Nurturing My Soul

I AM Nurturing My Soul

Summer is here.  A time to en-JOY the beautiful weather… to relax… to spend quality time with family and friends in the great outdoors… to nurture yourself… and to BE IN THE FLOW.

It is time to let go of all the heaviness from the past and dance, play, laugh with child-like wonder with expectations of a brighter future.
There is a sense of well-being and serenity that comes with the warm sun, the beauty and scents of all the colourful flowers,  the gentle breeze, chirping birds and laughing children.  Each day is an unfolding of beauty, reminding us of infinite possibilities.   We are meant to celebrate and appreciate life in all of its fullness.  Be filled with gratitude for the blessings and gifts that are upon you each day.

Living in The Flow is such a wonderful state to live in. When in The Flow you truly know that the Universe conspires to support you. Living in The flow is a beautiful, yet powerful state of being where life moves effortlessly through you. What does it mean to be in the flow?  When in the flow you know the answers to life’s challenges with little effort or figuring it out.  You may be highly productive, tapped in and turned on with little to no effort. But, perhaps most importantly, when in the flow, you experience well-being or even bliss of which happiness is a natural by-product.

It is time now to become what you know you can be, not just what you appear to be. Sit under the stars and look at what you are and how you can change to become the magnificent being you were intended to be.  Take the time to nurture your soul.  Sit near the water with a good book, feed the ducks, watch the children laughing and playing in a park.

Yes, our world still has issues and there is sad news everyday, but choose to LIVE each moment with grace and gratitude.  We can continue to pray for world peace, happiness for our families and friends, cures for dis-ease – BUT focus on the moment that the Creator has given you with de-light and joy.  Where are you putting your focus and thoughts?


July is a wonderful month to let go, surrender, trust, go with the flow, smell the flowers, BE in the present moment and be in touch with your playful inner child.   It is also an excellent time to re-evaluate how well you have been taking care of yourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. It is absolutely imperative that you make it your number one priority to nurture and love yourselves deeper than ever before, as this will allow you to show up in the world feeling completely satisfied and whole. When you operate from this space, you begin to contribute so much more to raising the vibration of our planet by just showing up and being yourselves.
The spiritual practice for all of July is “heart” related. We are moved to new depths of tenderness, stillness, self-affection, waves of bliss, unconditional love for yourself & others and self-acceptance.   Live each day to its fullest and know that the good  you feel will expand all that you love and touch.                                                                                                                                                                                                              May you dance with infinite possibilites… remember to nurture yourSELF and have a wonder-filled and magical July.


🔅 Notice Your Surroundings.
🔅 Focus on One Thing at a Time (Don’t Multitask)
🔅 Be Grateful For What You Have Now.
🔅 Accept Things As They Are (Not How You Want Them to Be)
🔅 Practice Mindfulness Meditation.
🔅 Spend Time With People Who Make You Feel Happy and Fulfilled.

🔅 Be Mindful of Everything You Do.


“The present moment is the only thing where there is no time.
It is the point between past and future. It is always there and it is the only point we can access in time.
Everything that happens, happens in the present moment.
Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment.
It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.”



In order to live in the moment, you need to focus on the now. Focus on what you’re doing. Shut off the TV, turn off the computer, turn off background noise radio, music, etc.  SLOW DOWN and savor the present.


Notice the world around you: the small things. Be thankful for them. Living for the moment and taking notice of the small things will help you cultivate more positive experiences.


Random acts of kindness, those selfless acts that help others, help you live for the moment of making others smile, and making you smile as well. Random acts of kindness are just that — random. They are spontaneous, in the moment, and a great addition to your daily life.


Be thankful.  Put your focus on what you are grateful for, not what you are missing in your life.  Remember to stop and take stock of all your blessings and say out loud “Thank YOU”  The Universe will gift you with more things to be grateful for.


It’s much easier than it sounds, but try to remember that worrying today won’t change what happens tomorrow. Every second you spend in worry about the future is a second of the present wasted. Because worrying takes you out of this moment and transports you into the realm of future possibilities, it’s impossible to live in the moment and worry at the same time.

From my heart to yours ❤ ~ Many blessings ~ Karen
Excerpt from my JULY 2022 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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