I AM Renewed

I AM Renewed

April is here and my heart feels glad that the plants, flowers and trees are about to bloom.  Everything has its season – the only thing that is constant is CHANGE so I am reminded again to “be in the flow” and “in the moment” and trust that all is well in my world.

We are in a time of great change and transformation.  Everyone and everything is going through a great shift of perception, attitude and knocks over the head that remind us that “now is the time” to get out of the old thinking and let go of what does not work for us.  This requires courage to look at our lives with deep reflection and to take that first step in the unknown to be-come what we have come here to BE.  A re-birth of our true self – our unique self.

With all the tests and challenges, life is still beautiful and I see miracles and magic every day.  I look forward to the summer months – the sun, the water, nature and fun times !  There are infinite possibilities all around us and when we “surrender” to our inner wisdom.  New opportunities and adventures will be upon us !



REBIRTH – When the old you is leaving and the new you is awakening because you have started to remember who you truly are. 
There is only powerful and positive CHANGE waiting to be experienced TRANSFORMING mind, body and soul to reach higher levels of consciousness and love.
The death of yesterday is a birth of TODAY. 


EASTER IS APRIL 17th, 2022

Rebirth ~ Renewal ~ Ressurection

The festival marked by Easter is about Life.
Following the dark days of Winter where many animals retreat to hibernation, many trees lose their leaves and flowers “die back” or lose their colours, Easter represents the beginning of the new cycle of Eternal Life, represented symbolically by the proliferation of eggs and “bunnies” in all their forms and colours.Whatever Easter means to you and everyone around the World, it is ultimately, first and foremost a celebration of Life, and for that we should certainly be Joyful.  I wish you a Happy and Joyful Easter   …. and to all my Jewish friends, clients and students ~ I wish you a Happy Passover ~ a celebration with friends and family….We are One !

April is a month for nurturing ourselves, rebirth, transformation and opening our hearts to new possibilities.  Take a moment and think on the things you wish to accomplish, regard it with love and joy, and ask the angels to assist.  Today, give thanks for all your blessings and move forward with joy!

In order for a butterfly to be born of the cocoon, it first has to undergo a horrible state of being squeezed so tight that its blood is pumped to its wings before it emerges and learns to fly. You may want to set a cocooned butterfly free and feel great compassion for the creature if you had to witness what it had to go through in order to be able to be born again and gather strength to use its wings. And so it is with us, before we are able to be reborn and grow in strength to use our wings, we must go through times of trial and tribulation, even feeling as though we may die. But it is in this transition, in this squeezing of life upon us, that we are transformed. And without that preceding difficult circumstance, we would never be able to grow and use our wings.

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From my heart to yours ❤ ~ Many blessings ~ Karen
Excerpt from my APRIL 2022 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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