01 Feb I AM a Warrior of Love and Light
True love, the love vibration begins with the love that we have for ourselves. Are you nurturing your physical, emotional and spiritual needs? When we love ourselves and accept ourselves with all our imperfections ~ then we can truly love another ~ whether it is family members, friends, co-workers or a romantic partner.
So the month of February, your homework is to nurture and pamper yourself. You are No. 1. Take the time to do things that you love to do. In your quiet time, put your hands on your heart and say loving affirmations to yourself. When you are with people, smile ~ laugh ~ hug. Surround yourself with beauty ~ the beauty of nature is everywhere. Surround yourself with happy, positive people. Skip, jump, dance, sing. Play with your pets. Play with your children. Declare to the world – “I am happy to be alive and I love myself and my life exactly as it is”. “I am grateful for all my blessings”.
The more you can stay in this high vibration of love and gratefulness – the more you will start seeing the changes in your life that you desire.
I love myself and all that I am. I love myself exactly as I am in this moment. I love all of the possibilities I represent, all of the wonder that is in my spark, yet to be seen and explored.
All of it is me. All of it is good.
I am love. I am light and power expanding. I am.
Every day is a reason to CELEBRATE who you are
– which is LOVE ❤
by Madisyn Tayor
Make all decisions from pure love and the world will change.
Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things arise. Negative emotions are like sharks swimming in the ocean of love. All things beautiful and fearful, ugly and kind, powerful and small, come into existence, do their thing, and disappear within the context of this great ocean. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated. We are made of this love and live our whole lives at one with it, whether we know it or not.
It is only the illusion that we are separate from this great love that causes us to believe that choosing anything other than love makes sense or is even possible. In the relative, dualistic world of positive and negative, darkness and light, male and female, we make choices and we learn from them. This is exactly what we are meant to be doing here on earth. Underlying these relative choices, though, is the choice to be conscious of what we are, which is love, or to be unconscious of it. When we choose to be conscious of it, we choose love. We will still exist in the relative world of opposites and choices and cause and effect, and we will need to make our way here, but doing so with an awareness that we are all made of this love will enable us to be more playful, more joyful, more loving and wise, as we make our way. Ultimately, the choices we make will shed light on the love that makes us all one, enabling those who have forgotten to return to the source.
This world makes it easy to forget this great love, which is part of why we are here. We are here to remember and, when we forget to remember again, to choose love.
* -:¦:-*~**-❤-**~* -:¦:
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