01 Aug I AM Courageous – ROAR !
On August 8th, we welcome in the opening of the Stargate. These past few months have been INTENSE as we’ve witnessed some radical planetary retrogrades, we are also seeing our world shakeup. We are calling in change. Calling for the new earth. Ready to experience more love in this reality. But first, we must be grounded and we must want this for ourselves.
This is the opportunity to be courageous as you set your intentions and open your heart. Be willing to receive the love that is coming in. As you allow yourself to anchor in this energy, you are able to give it out to the world.
During this time, be gentle with yourself. This is the time for radical healing as we are transmuting fear, doubt, pain, anxiety, shame, judgment, guilt, and anger. Find yourself speaking and living your truth as you reacquaint with your ROAR, your light, your passions, and the Love of which you are. Your spirit guides are a simple prayer away, waiting for you to call on them for assistance.
“It takes courage to change because we are identifying with a new version of who we are. This isn’t easy… but when we
perservere, surrender, trust and have faith, we will discover the unlimited possibilities awaiting us”.
~ Ground yourself with bliss, courage and joy 🙂
~ Dreams can come true if you think about what you want in life.
~ Get to know yourself ~ find out who you are
~ Choose your goals carefully ~ Be honest with yourself
~ Always believe in yourself
~ Find many interests and pursue them
~ Find out what is important to you
~ Find out what you are good at
~ Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
~ Work hard to achieve successes
~ When things are not going right ~ don’t give up ~ just try harder
~ Give yourself freedom to try out new things
~ Laugh and have a good time
~ Open yourself up to love
~ Take part in the beauty of nature
~ Be grateful for all that you have
~ Work towards peace in the world
~ Live life to the fullest
~ Create your own dreams and follow them until they are a reality
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. |
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