I AM Creating a Life Filled With JOY

I AM Creating a Life Filled With JOY

May is the month of new beginnings and blooming.  The trees will soon be lush with beautiful green leaves.  Flowers of all colors, shapes, aromas and beauty are starting to bud.   We are all like flowers…  blooming into beautiful beings.   Like flowers need rain and nurturing to bloom, remember to nurture yourself.

What did you do today to nurture yourself and what will you do tomorrow?   Take time for yourself – meditate ~ laugh ~ play ~ spend time with positive friends ~ learn new things, enjoy the outdoors and nature, nurture your body with healthy foods ~ whatever you do, do it with love and gratitude and you will certainly attract more of these good vibrations.

May 9th is Mother’s Day.   May you celebrate this special day with love, kindness and appreciation for your Mother and all females who have inspired you and made a difference in your life.

Also, remember to honor Mother Earth (Gaia) who everyday lovingly nurtures us with the richness of the land.  She gives us everything to sustain us.  Look around at all the beauty… the colors, the plants, the water, the mountains – what majesty we live in.   It is up to us to take care of her and to be thankful for having the opportunity to be part of this very special Planet.   


       Today and every day I AM creating a life filled with joy,
creativity, purpose, and fulfillment.



We are all navigating through this challenging time of the pandemic differently but it is important to be kind to ourselves and others.  What we do want to do, is raise our vibration and stay in our heart with love and compassion.

So everyday, you can find something to be grateful for and LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE.  Turn off the heavy news and watch funny TV series and movies.  Speak to family and friends about happy and memorable occasions.  Laughter liberates… Physically, muscular tension loosens clearing wreckage of exhaustion; Emotionally, laughter raises your spirits and softens rigid defenses.  Laughter heals… it elevates immune response and endorphins (our body’s natural painkillers); relieves stress, anxiety, and depression; prevents heart disease.

  • Play, laugh, embrace your inner child.   Make a list of all the fun things and adventures you want to do this summer.
  • Make a list of all the blessings in your life.  What are you most grateful for?  Remember, what you focus on… e x p a n d s.
  • This is a great month to declutter… especially the outside.  Clean your garden, pull out weeds, plant new seeds.


Exerpt from my MAY 2021 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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