I AM Open to New Possibilities

Newsletter April 2021

I AM Open to New Possibilities

April showers brings May flowers.  The gift we receive after the long cold winter is the beautiful flowers, the green grass, the blossoming trees, the  chirping birds, parks filled with happy laughing children, picnics under the sun.  Ahhh… always so much to look forward to.  This is a month for nurturing ourselves, rebirth and opening our hearts to new possibilities.  Take a moment and think on the things you wish to accomplish, regard it with love and joy, and ask the angels to assist.  Today, give thanks for all your blessings and move forward with joy!

Remember to laugh, love and learn each precious day.  Life IS a special school filled with wonderful life lessons and opportunities for growth and deep fulfilments. May we all continue to learn, grow and BE who we are ~ shining our light for everyone to see ~ and may we do this every day with each other ~ our fellow lightworkers and friends.

Rebirth ~ Renewal ~ Ressurection

REBIRTH – When the old you is leaving and the new you is awakening because you have started to remember who you truly are.  There is only powerful and positive CHANGE waiting to be experienced TRANSFORMING mind, body and soul to reach higher levels of consciousness and love.  The death of yesterday
is a birth of TODAY. 



Now more than ever, we need to practice inward stillness. It can help us on our spiritual journey and to help us see our self-worth and value differently.
  • Take time for yourself ~ At times we need solitude. We need to be alone in order to settle into the story of our lives. As we learn to trust our inner guidance, we find comfort, compassion, and strength from our relationship with the Divine, with our deepest self, and what we hold most sacred.


  • Get cozy with discomfort and the unknown ~ The more we surrender to what is difficult and unwanted, the more we can open up to what is beautiful, profound, and abundant. We stop wanting our life to be something other than what it is and begin to recognize the sacredness of what is right in front of us, the life that is truly our very own.
  • Honor what you think and feel before you ask for advice from others Stop holding on to your life so tightly, and let the Divine carry you.  There’s  incredible magic that happens when you surrender to the call of your soul.  You have all the answers within  ~ learn to trust your divine wisdom.

You are YOU-nique, you are beautiful, and you are magnificent just the way you are.

From my heart to yours ❤~ Many blessings ~ Karen
Exerpt from my April 2021 Newsletter – “Inspiration for the Heart & Soul”
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