01 Dec I AM a Miracle
During the busyness of this season, re-member to take the time to nurture yourself, play and laugh. The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is what comes from your heart. Be grate-ful for all the blessings that you already have in your life and more blessings will certainly come your way.
What could be simpler than appreciation for one another, for your earthly home and for the Creator who makes this all possible. Reflect on Love and allow Love to fill your spirit.
You will find your eyes and heart open to the gifts that Love showers in the smallest and simplest parts of your holiday season and all your seasons. And in that Love and its gifts, you will find Love’s most cherished offering of all, Peace.
Top this all off with Gratitude and you will know within your heart, that this is what the Holidays are all about. Sharing the most cherished gifts – smiles, hugs, laughter, family and friendship.
Let us also welcome in the New Year 2021 with a masterly optimism.
May it be filled with lots of playfulness and laughter, love and peace, kindness and gentleness, new adventures and new beginnings, a new way of appreciating everyone and everything in your life. Dream BIG for the upcoming year. You are the creator of your life ! May the angels always guide you and light your path.
From my heart to yours ❤~ Many blessings ~ Karen
December 21st is the Winter Solstice. The spiritual message of this day is universal; do not despair, something wondrous and new will emerge from any suffereing you may have endured this year. It is time of new beginnings.
Like an anchor amid the bustle and rush of the holiday, you may wish to return to this image on Solstice day and throughout this season, experiencing the warmth in your heart as an outpouring of divine abundance, prosperity, and well-being.
From deep within, you find the courage to move forward; to provide companionship to the lonely; hope to those in despair; inspiration to the bored; and joy to the sad and suffering.
Picture your inner Sun as a horn of plenty brimming with abundance. Gifts of love, hope, faith, food, money, clothing, warmth, health, laughter, trust, beauty, security, shelter, and friendship spill out in bounty.
You may wish to dedicate this Solstice to the practice of mindful generosity. If you’re feeling inwardly drained from the trials, stress and tribulations of 2020, take a few moments to fill your heart with spiritual bounty; light a candle to bless the coming longer days, which are decreasing. Allow the Sun to illuminate your internal skies with hope. In silence, savor the cosmic mysteries within the temple of your heart.
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