02 Sep I AM ready for change
September has always been the month of CHANGE, but now more than ever we are all feeling it. 2020 has truly revealed to us that everything is changing and transforming. We will never go back to “normal” and we are seeing that the old comfort zone was not working for us anyways. I myself have found myself stepping into a simpler life. More balance of work and play. More time to be quiet and to nurture myself and my soul… trusting and surrendering that everything is working out according to the divine plan and all is perfect as it is.
September is the month that we harvest that which we have cultivated all year. It is time NOW to reap the benefits of all that you have worked hard for. Every thought, prayer and action will take you where you are supposed to be. The Universe and our wonderful angels seem to be nudging us to MOVE forward – take action – and do the things that our heart and soul is ready for. Be open-to-receive, even if it feels like a dive into unknown territories, your heart and soul are saying “You are ready” !!!
Many blessings ~ Karen
Bless this Autumn Equinox to bring balance into our lives and hearts and to bestow upon us the bounty and abundance that we deserve. Bless this new season for all to share in its beauty and to understand its energy as it unfolds to enrich our lives for the highest good of all concerned.
Meditate on the things you wish to change. Focus on eliminating the bad, and strengthening the good around you. Put toxic relationships into the past, where they belong, and welcome new positive relationships into your life. Let your baggage go and take heart in knowing that for every dark night of the soul, there will be a sunrise the next morning.
We are not here to change the world, we are here to change ourSelves. WE are the change. We are the ones that we have been waiting for. Heaven on earth or doom and gloom is our perception, how we see the world. Lift your vibration with SELF-love, light and kindness and you will witness the world changing. One thought at a time… one prayer at a time… one person at a time…one act of kindness at a time… one smile at a time… one courageous action at a time. This is my truth. ~ Karen
” May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing.
And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.”
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