I AM Grate full

I AM Grate full

It is Thanksgiving weekend and I am sitting here and counting all my blessings. I am so thankful to be here on Planet Earth at this time. It is an exciting time – we are being prepared for lots of changes – and I am in the flow and ready for anything 🙂

I am grate-ful for my wonderful circle of friends. My heart is so open to each and everyone of them. Each so unique but so close to my heart.

I am grate-ful for all the laughter and dancing that I have been doing lately 🙂

I am grate-ful for all my students and clients. Even when I meet them for the first time, it is like I have known them for eternity and I am thankful for all the sharing, wisdom and ah ha moments.

I am grate-ful for my beautiful home, my adorable 3 cats, my family, my health and vitality, the work that I do and my abundance.

I am grate-ful for who I have become – even through all the trials, setbacks and challenges, I have so much appreciation for all the lessons and teachers in my life. It has made me who I AM ~ and I am grate-ful for the peace, joy, and love that is overflowing in my heart.

From my heart to yours ~ I send you magical blessings 🙂

**~**-:¦:-*~** -:¦:-*~** -:¦:-*~**

Angel of Gratitude
Today is time for thanks. Every day is a time for thanks. When we can appreciate the simplest of gifts even in times of confusion and hardships, then we move forward.
A soul that appreciates the gifts of living, the true gifts, will reap rewards from being grateful and appreciative. Prayers are heard and answered. Prayers of thanks are highly important. They work with the soul for the highest good. As with anything, simply acknowledge the opportunity to excperience the moment is of value. Be aware and respectful of all the gifts offered to us. The wise soul can look at all situations as a way for personal growth and advancement.
Those that suffer must know that the grief will pass and be replaced with invaluable insight and softer emotions.
Go all the way and you will find what you need. You will find what is always there: an infinite supply of love and energy. For God forsakes no one. Give thanks for today, give thanks for you. For without you, there would not be this moment now. As you know, there will always be you. Your soul will remain forever. Treat your soul right and start by thanking God for your unique being, beauty and potential.

Make it a habit to tell people THANK YOU. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.

~ Ralph Marston ~

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